Prevention of road accidents for all

Initiative details

Aesleme, as an NGO and has specialized in the prevention of road accidents for 30 years, addressing each of the road safety challenges we face, classifying the origin, causes, new trends and characteristics of each group of accidents so as to be able to offer specific information to each group, by ages and group-belonging, so that each age group has a specific program, designed according to their risks and main causes of accidents: "It can happen to you", for minors; "Courses on road safety in companies", for workers; "Move safely and protect them", for people over 60, etc. Regarding the campaign "If you control, you come back", in question, presented to these Road Safety Excellence Awards, due to its good results, it is specifically aimed at young people, so that they learn to distinguish between group pressure and say no to alcohol/drug use and driving or getting into a car with someone who has used and is going to drive.

Our objectives are:
- Reduce the number of people who die or are injured (with irreversible disabilities) due to road accidents.
- Inform, train, sensitize and educate mainly the young population about the risks of trafficking.
- Improve the perception of risk, work on values ​​and change attitudes. - Bring the message to the whole of society that "mobility does not have to cause victims, that road accidents can be avoided and the Zero Victims goal achieved."
- Integrate people with serious injuries due to road accidents in our campaigns to integrate them into society (providing them with training in road safety and work in all our prevention campaigns). We have 100 trainers with serious injuries and 80 health workers.

Initiative date


Who was/is your target audience?

Children 0-16
Young adults 17-25
Car drivers


Education in school or in community organizations

Project activities

If you work together with external partners, list the most important partners and briefly describe their role.

AESLEME designed this campaign with experts on youth and alcohol and drugs from the Pozuelo City Council (Madrid), local police and driving school teachers.

Please describe the project activities you carried/are carrying out and the time period over which these were implemented.

1) AESLEME trains for several years the monitors who give the workshop "If you control, you come back"
2) Information about the campaign is sent to educational centers.
3) The coordinators of this campaign establish contact, either by phone or email, with the different training centers and set the dates and times of the conferences to be given.
4) The coordinators contact the trainers at the end of each month to assign them the agreed dates for the following month (day, name of the center, address, telephone, timetable, number of students, age, etc.).
5) The "If you control, you come back" workshops last 60-90 minutes and are supported by a powerpoint presentation with images and videos according to the topic and age of the risk group this campaign is focused on.
6) The methodology used is adapted to young people, it is very visual and the fact that the trainer is a person who has suffered an accident gives a lot of credibility to the content of the program.
7) The training, experience of the speakers and the contents of the campaign guarantee the technical quality of the programme, as well as its coherence with the objectives to be achieved.
8) The conference is divided into different parts: Alcohol and its effects, alcohol and traffic, blood alcohol levels, effects on our body, legal aspects, other common drugs, false myths about alcohol, why we drink, persuasion tactics, promotion of the alternative driver who does not drink (Dr. Driver), encourage the figure of the friend who takes the keys from the friend who has been drinking so that he does not drive, etc.
9) In the practical part, several exercises are carried out, the collaboration of students who recognize having exceeded their alcohol consumption is asked, and they are put on glasses that simulate a low and high blood alcohol level. Then he is asked to perform a series of exercises, apparently very simple (putting a pen in a bottle, walking in a straight line, catching a tennis ball thrown by a partner, etc.), but due to the effect of glasses are unable to perform.
10) Afterwards, an open discussion is established with them that serves to clarify doubts and generate debate about the consumption of alcohol and drugs (most of them consume sporadically, in groups and mainly on weekends), myths, peer pressure, the importance of saying "NO".
11) At the end, students are given informative material with the most important information of the conference. In addition, we insist on the need for this information to reach the entire family and, above all, their friends, who are of similar ages, and who have not had the opportunity to receive this conference. In this way we reach a much higher number of people (family unit, friends, boyfriend/girlfriend,...) and thus we manage to extend the campaign through them.
12) AESLEME has adapted the Campaign to the "live online" format in 2020, due to the covid-19 pandemic, so we have been able to continue with it in 2020 and 2021 and it is the educational center that chooses (according to the epidemiological situation and sanitary measures ) if we teach it in person, as always, or "live online".
13) Evaluation of the campaign: An evaluation sheet is passed to the teacher who has been present to evaluate the contents, presentation, trainers and we also pass a pre and post survey to the students, every 3 years to carry out a study afterwards.


What has been the effect of the activities?

By means of an evaluation questionnaire, completed by the professors at the end of the conference. The score they give us each year is 4.5-5 (5 being the highest score). This action aims to find out the opinion about, among others, the following topics: content, duration, effectiveness, adaptation to the age of the students, quality of the speakers, etc. In addition, when asked about its efficacy for road safety, the percentage ranges between 97%-100%. Regarding monitoring and evaluation, we developed a 10-question questionnaire and we carried out a pre-conference/post-conference study of the students. The comparative study of the two surveys (pre-post conference) allowed us to carry out a statistical analysis to find out the level of improvement in knowledge and attitudes and therefore the effectiveness of our intervention, the level of recall and the issues that remain confusing and they provided very valuable information to know what to improve, etc. We are convinced that many young people will use alternative public transport if they have drunk or used drugs after attending the campaign. There are data that indicate that the accident rate due to alcohol consumption has improved among young people, but recent data that leads us to believe that it is necessary to continue and expand the campaign:
- The number of young people killed in traffic accidents has decreased significantly in the last ten years. Since 2006, fatalities between 15 and 34 years old have fallen from 1,696 to 421, which represents a reduction of 75%. However, between 2014 and 2016, the deaths of young people in traffic accidents increased by 15%, from 365 to 421. According to data from the DGT, young people aged 15-24 who die from traffic accidents fico represent 11% of the total deaths, 15% of the hospitalized injured and 17% of the non-hospitalized injured. This group represents 9.6% of the Spanish population and 6.3% of the driver census.
- The rate of deaths per million population for young people was 45, and for the complementary set of ages it was 39, that is, the rate for young people was higher by 6 deaths per million population 79 compared to the rest of the ages. On the other hand, the rate of hospitalized injuries per million population in the group of young people was 313, while for the rest it was 194, that is, there have been 119 more hospitalized injuries per million population in young people.
-In Spain, the data from the "Memory of Fatal Victims in Traffic Accidents 2017 of the National Institute of Toxicology and Forensic Sciences": 42.1% of drivers who died in 2017 in Spain tested positive for alcohol, drugs and/or psychopharmaceuticals, according to data from which a total of 884 cases (651 drivers, 143 pedestrians and 90 companions) have been analyzed. Last year this percentage was higher (43%). Traffic accidents were the main cause of death among children and young people between the ages of 5 and 29, according to the latest data provided by the WHO.
- The binomial alcohol/drugs and driving is one of the most worrying aspects of road safety in the European Union, since According to the European Road Safety Observatory (ERSO), driving under the influence of alcohol/drugs causes 25% of all road deaths in Europe.

Please briefly explain why your initiative is a good example of improving road safety.

The "If you control, you come back" program improves road safety from education, awareness, real information about the effects of alcohol and drug use, the debate about why people drink and group pressure, false myths and beliefs, and the understanding of the causes and consequences of road accidents. The most important message is that "Road accidents can be avoided and that for young people it is the leading cause of death and disability.

It is an outstanding example because the messages reach the target audience (adolescents and young people) directly, at scheduled times, at school (educational centers and universities), and because Aesleme trainers are spinal cord-injured by road accidents. Also, the workshop includes practical experience with alcohol-simulating glasses and psychological persuasion tactics, to know how to say NO.

At Aesleme we train our professionals in education and road safety, we could train traffic injuries from other European entities that work with young people and alcohol/drug use. It is important that road safety training be multi-professional and those interested should n receive extensive training so that the campaign has quality.

How have you shared information about your project and its results?