Excellence in Road Safety Awards

Excellence In Road Safety Awards 2024

Our annual Excellence in Road Safety Awards took place in Brussels and online on Thursday 14 November 2024. Thank you to everyone who submitted an application and supported our ceremony. 

A recording of the event is available here 

Our awards recognise the contributions of our members towards the shared goal of improved road safety across Europe. This year, there were five award categories:

  • Education 
  • Pedestrians and cyclists
  • Motorcycling 
  • Technology and innovation 
  • Urban

The winning initiatives are examples of organisations delivering specific and measurable road safety actions to benefit their communities.

This year’s winners:

  • ETSC (Europe) - LEARN! Leveraging Education to Advance Road Safety Now!  – for its efforts to enhance traffic safety and mobility education throughout Europe
  • KFV (Austria) - Special road markings on bends – for reducing risky evasive manoeuvres and loss of motorcycle control on bends
  • Axencia Galega de Infraestruturas (Spain) - Alternative mobility strategy in Galicia – for their focus on creating pedestrian and cycling paths on routes connecting interurban areas
  • Center for Traffic Management Bavaria (Germany) - Traffic lights of the future – for their various intelligent systems to test the safe and optimised management of traffic and handling of the different road users
  • Commune di Bologna (Italy) - Bologna City 30: more safety and more space for people – for their City 30 initiative, focussing on low speed zones, investing in new pedestrian areas and cycle paths, launching public communication campaigns and increasing police patrols

Platforma VIZE 0 was chosen by the audience at the awards ceremony to receive the People’s Choice Award for their awareness campaign about aggressive drivers was innovative and eye catching - delivering great results and safer roads. 

For all the details and to watch our winner videos click here 

Or watch a recording of the event below...

Downloadable documents


14:00 CET
Registration and refreshments
14:30 CET
Hello & welcome - Kristian Schmidt, European Road Safety Coordinator, European Commission
14:35 CET
Special video message
14:40 CET
Awards announcement: Motorcyclists
14:50 CET
Awards announcement: Education
15:00 CET
Presentation on Education - Lena Westrum, Head of Department of Education, Norwegian Council for Road Safety
15:15 CET
Awards announcement: Pedestrians & Cyclists
15:25 CET
15:45 CET
Presentation on Technology - Michiel Christoph, Head of Department and Cluster Coordinator, SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research
16:00 CET
Awards announcement: Technology & Innovation
16:10 CET
Awards announcement: Urban
16:20 CET
People’s Choice Award introduction - Kristian Schmidt, European Road Safety Coordinator, European Commission
16:25 CET
Q&A panel with winners & speakers
16:55 CET
People’s Choice Award announcement
17:00 CET
Closing words
17:05 CET
Drinks reception

Award category

Road safety for vulnerable road users: pedestrians and cyclists
Road safety in motorcycling
Technology and innovation to promote road safety