Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service

Member since: January 2022
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What are you doing/aiming to do for road safety?

As a member of the Wiltshire & Swindon Road safety Partnership our main objective is to reduce the number and severity of casualties caused by Road Traffic Collisions (RTC), using the established 5 E's approach through a coordinated multi-agency strategy.
The aim is to reduce RTCs by Engineering out problems caused by high risk roads; Enforcing against poor driver behaviour; Educating the community in road safety and promoting good driver behaviour; providing a casualty centred Emergency response; and evaluating the impact of RTC reduction initiatives.  
This will be achieved through effective data sharing by Partners and agreeing joint solutions to specific problems, providing a seamless service for all road users.
We are working with Wiltshire Council and Swindon Borough Council within the Partnership to analyse RTCs where causation has been linked to road layout, road surfaces or poor signage of hazards. Such RTCs are investigated and consideration taken for an engineered solution to reduce chances of re-occurring. Critical in this consideration is the costs of such a solution, compared to the frequency or seriousness of the collision. An agreed course of action is then taken by the Partnership, supported by the analysis.
This is principally a Police role, but analysis by Partners will influence where and more particularly to which group of road user enforcement action is prioritised. Frequently this enforcement is closely linked to education, particularly with regard to Speed Awareness Workshops.
Wiltshire FRS along with all other Partners delivers the 'Safe Drive Stay Alive' Roadshow, aimed at 16-17 year old school children throughout Swindon and Wiltshire. Our aim is to reach every Year 11 schoolchild and our current performance is around 95% of all schools taking part, with over 8,000 students seeing the Roadshow each year. This is added to by delivering the show to military personnel in Wiltshire with over 1,500 personnel receiving an adapted Roadshow each year highlighting their specific needs.
Emergency Response
It is intended to carry out a thorough analysis of all RTC which result in death or serious injury, specifically to assess the effectiveness of all aspects of emergency response up to and including action taken at the place of definitive care. This analysis will involve a sharing of data by all partners including Police, Fire, Ambulance and NHS to enable the Emergency Response to be analysed from the time of impact.
Each RTC reduction initiative will be evaluated to assess the impact and success of the intervention. Part of the project plan will include steps to be taken to evaluate the initiative, allowing successful and unsuccessful interventions to be identified. 



Your knowledge

Wiltshire FRS is a member of the Wiltshire & Swindon Road Safety Partnership, made up of Wiltshire Council, Swindon Borough Council, Wiltshire Police, Great Western Ambulance Service and Wiltshire NHS all working in Parnetship to reduce RTCs.

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Wiltshire & Swindon Road Safety Partnership

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