Verwaltungs-Berufsgenossenschaft (VBG)

Member since: January 2022
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What are you doing/aiming to do for road safety?

We are signing the European Charter for road safety and commit ourselves to support occupational road safety in member companies over the next three years by organising demand-oriented seminars on road safety both centrally and on-site. We will use mobile driving simulators for information and employee awareness building and provide training materials.
Furthermore, the participation of employees from member companies at safety training days for car and public service bus drivers and motorcyclists is funded. The one-day safety training sessions consist of a theoretical and a practical driving component. Roughly 400 people can be trained on road safety issues annually.
To raise awareness of road users, a leaflet was jointly developed by the German Road Safety Council (DVR) and the Association of German Transport Companies (VDV) “Did you see it? Cross safely!” which outlines correct behaviour at level and railway crossings. This leaflet is intended to be distributed both by driving schools and by carriers. There are 40,000 copies available for distribution. BG BAHNEN is working with national and European bodies on the issue of level crossings.
In addition, BG BAHNEN offers seminars in professional qualification for bus drivers of transport carriers. These five-day seminars are conducted 3 to 4 times a year.

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