South Gloucestershire Council

United Kingdom
Member since: March 2009
Submitted by South Gloucest… on

What are you doing/aiming to do for road safety?

The Council's road safety policies are set out in the Joint Local Transport Plan 2006/07 - 2010/11 for the West of England (JLTP). The Plan's road safety aims and objectives are to improve road safety for all road users with the particular objectives of:
- Ensuring significant reductions in the number of the most serious road casualties; and
- Achieving improvements in road safety for the most vulnerable sections of the community.
It identified the following priority groups for casualty reduction - Motorcyclists, car occupants, pedestrians, child pedestrians and child cyclists. Activities will include:
Keep Your Wheels: this website offers young motorcyclists the opportunity to achieve a financial or other reward for regular maintenance of their vehicle, improving their knowledge, buying the correct safety gear and remaining free of points on their licence, police cautions or convictions, etc.
Wheels Project: this project is aimed at young people who are at risk of offending or have already done so. They are referred by schools, youth organisations or Youth Offending Teams. The project includes a mopeds module which aims to improve trainees' basic skills as well as increasing their road safety awareness and behaviour. 
Project Kick Start: this initiative from the police targets young motorcyclists who have been stopped for violations such as unroadworthy or unlicensed vehicle. Where appropriate, they are offered the option of a Road Safety educational input. The project also works with schools and colleges to offer educational sessions, including bike checks, for those students using scooters and mopeds to travel to school
"Think" Bike: a "THINK" motorcycle has been leased and funded by the Partnership. It will attend relevant events to attract the interest of motorcyclists so that Road Safety information and advice can be given.
Bikesafe: the Council has provided a venue and support for police to deliver a training initiative aimed at motorcyclists with larger powered machines. This involves classroom sessions and an assessed ride.
Drink Drive: two campaigns will be carried out in partnership with the police - in summer months and over the Christmas period. The campaigns involve extensive media campaigns as well as additional enforcement.
GWR Radio advertising: advertising on the themes of tailgating and the hazards of right turns at junctions with GWR radio. These themes were chosen as they were the most frequently identified causes of collisions apart from speeding and drink driving which were the subjects of separate campaigns.
Pass Plus: a subsidy of £75 is offered to those who take advantage of this additional training for newly qualified drivers. Applicants are asked to complete a survey on application and 6 months later so that the impact of the training can be monitored.
Smartrisk: this is a "theatre in education" style presentation where young people who have suffered permanent disability through recklessness relate their experiences and prompt the audience to think about what is an acceptable risk for them. The presentation is offered to all year groups within a secondary school.

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