Road Accidents Victims Association of Romania

Member since: January 2022
Submitted by No name or org… (not verified) on

What are you doing/aiming to do for road safety?

We want to become signatories of the European Road Safety Charter with the following actions:
We will organize two courses weekly for each partner school: five in Bucharest (one of each district) and one in every county of Romania (40 in total), in the cities with more than 200,000 inhabitants. The courses will contain basis information about the Romanian Traffic Law and will be presented by teachers and also by representatives of police departments. During these courses the participants will receive written info, as folders and flyers. This action will involve more than 15,000 people.
We will distribute over 10,000 reflective bands to pedestrians to be used on the road at night, for better visibility. 100 reflective vests will be distributed in each school with which we have actions all over the country.

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