Revesz Romania

Member since: January 2022
Submitted by No name or org… (not verified) on

What are you doing/aiming to do for road safety?

Over the next three years we are going to reduce by 50% the road traffic accidents and we expect to hold one of the most secure fleet in this branch by taking the following measures:
1.         We will reward our drivers for avoiding the accidents (zero tolerance) and a safe way of driving by offering an annual bonus to those complying with this objective.
2.         We will designate two drivers for each crew for reducing the tiredness during work hours.
3.         We will fill in the tyres in our trucks with nitrogen instead of air, action that will improve the transport security by reducing the tyre explosion probability.
4.         We will have, once a year, a private health company performing additional medical exams linked with driving abilities, examining all our employees, beside the medical examination required by the law. This will help us eliminate the doubts about the health of our drivers and will offer a safer work environment.
5.         Twice a year, all our drivers will participate in a training targeted on special themes like road safety behaviour, analysis of the reasons that generate or lead to accidents, working schedule and interaction with the rest of the crew.

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