Paralimni Municipality

Member since: January 2022
Submitted by No name or org… (not verified) on

What are you doing/aiming to do for road safety?

Paralimni Municipality will seek the cooperation of the European Road Safety to prepare a three-year action plan, with particular focus on education in the handling of children from early childhood to graduate high school.
In the first year of action we will organize events and print brochures, which are accessible to children of preschool age. It will then expand into larger age groups with similar material and enlightening events.
We will create and maintain a park for road safety education in our region. This park will be partly financed by our municipality, the Cyprus Government and the European Union.



Eventual partnerships in your commitment

1. Ministry of communications and Works2. Τraffic police3. Schools4. Organized bodies of the city5. Neighboring Municipalities and Communities.

Number of materials produced


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