Norauto Group

Member since: January 2022
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What are you doing/aiming to do for road safety?

Commitment renewed 2008-2011
Supporting the activities of the Norauto Foundation. The Norauto Group undertakes to collaborate in the activities of the Norauto Foundation, created in 2005 by Norauto, supporting projects to encourage socially aware and responsible driving:
By participating each year in the organisation of the “European Road Safety Awards”. This competition, which has been held since 2002, rewards grassroots initiatives undertaken by non-profit organisations that aim to promote road safety (carried out in one or more European Union Member States).
By developing the European database listing the main road safety associations in the 27 member States. This tool represents a channel for the dissemination of road safety information and for the exchange of best practices between associations, in particular through the twice-yearly newsletter.
By enlarging the meetings of the Norauto Foundation on a European level: One example would be the event in 2006, a day of dialogue in the French Senate on the subject of “Neurological disorders: how can we combine road safety and mobility?”

Raising awareness of employees of Norauto Group companies through the internal transmission of key road safety messages. The companies within the Norauto Group employ over 8,700 people throughout Europe. The companies are committed to reinforcing or in some cases launching a road safety action plan in order to attain the objective of raising the awareness of their employees to the dangers of the road within three years, by:
The annual organisation of an “Internal Road Safety Seminar”. Each year, a specific theme will be chosen (e.g. the protection of vulnerable users, the importance of vehicle maintenance, child education, etc.) and will be the subject for an internal poster campaign and the publication of specific information materials.
The creation of a permanent “road safety” section within the different internal information newspapers.

Raising awareness among road users, particularly drivers who are clients of the Norauto Group. The Norauto Group undertakes to encourage the companies within the group to:
Put in place a thematic action programme each year that is in line with public authority strategies in the different European countries. This programme will consist of actions developed by the companies themselves and/or in collaboration with key consultants in the field (particularly associations).
Add “road safety” sections to external publications (guides, catalogues, leaflets) and to the website of the Norauto Group and its brands.

Promoting road safety through the products and services offered by Norauto Group companies. The Norauto Group undertakes to encourage the group’s companies to:
Put in place regular information and advisory actions (posters, specific leaflets, etc.) in car servicing premises, particularly in relation to safety equipment (vest, triangle, car seats etc.) and the importance of regular vehicle maintenance;
Avoid referencing products that are thought to be dangerous (bull bars or certain tuning items).

2nd July 2008

Notified for renewal?