Municipality of Bovolone - Comune di Bovolone

What are you doing/aiming to do for road safety?

The City of Bovolone during the next few years will put in place a series of actions in favor of greater road safety.
1) Geo-referencing of road accidents recorded in order to identify the dangerous areas for road traffic of the City of Bovolone. For the streets for which we are responsible for and for other roads we will carry out routine maintenance and / or out of routine where necessary.
The geo-referencing of road accidents is done by pointing out on the city map the exact location where traffic accidents occur and have been detected by local police for each reference year.
For the starting phase data will be accumulated from 2008 so that we will already have a substantial database and verifying the effectiveness by early interventions on local roads. The municipality, based on data collected for the next 3 years will direct its improvement initiatives where road traffic accidents occur more often and will also periodically check the effectiveness of actions and measures taken.
The information about accidents for the period 2008 - 2011 included in the initial phase which begins in 2011 will be used for the placement in the municipal area of about 15 columns of Speed Check Speed enforcement.
2) Several meetings are planned with citizens to illustrate the changes to the Highway Code, the rules of behavior and living on the street and in particular: - Road safety educational meetings in all schools of the City of Bovolone with a duration of 2 hours per class per school year;
- 1 annual meeting with the “l'Università del tempo libero” (the next on 11/17/2011);
- 1 meeting for road safety for farm vehicles in conferences planned for the 734th Agricultural Fair of San Biagio, 2012. This will take place in collaboration with SPISAL, ULSS Department of Labour. The explanatory leaflets will be prepared on the movement of agricultural machinery and will be distributed for free at the fair;
- Programming of at least 1 meeting with citizens.
3) To improve the safety of vulnerable road users in the month of May 2011 a campaign began called "SICURINBICI 2011" in which 500 vests were distributed of high reflectivity for cyclists to all students of lower secondary schools. During December 2011 we will provide students (800) of primary school high visibility material to improve the passive road safety of pedestrians.
4) We are implementing a section on the website of the City of Bovolone where news will be published related to road safety, the commandments adopted by the Municipality and other information of a general nature with the aim of raising awareness to citizens.
5) Initiate a new 24 hours service for the cleaning and routine maintenance of roads affected by road incidents. The service will also be accountable for the restoration of safe traffic conditions, cleaning up liquid spilled pollutants and recover solid waste or material transported or dispersed following the incident.



Eventual partnerships in your commitment

Polizia Locale Comune di BovoloneServizio Tecnico Comune di Bovolone

Number of materials produced


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