Local Transport Projects

Member since: January 2022
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What are you doing/aiming to do for road safety?

We commit to seeking out proven best practice in casualty reduction and developing effective solutions specific to local problems where we are commisioned to support public and commercial organisations.
As part of our framework contract with our local highway authority we commit to the target of reducing KSI to a maximum of 206 KSI in the East Riding of Yorkshire as a 3 year average for 2008/9/10.
To achieve this we will:
1.  Ensure that our team of staff are trained and developed and have access to relevant sources,
2.  Work closely with the Road Safety team at the local highway authority and Humberside Police to develop effective infrastructure, education and enforcement counter-measures.
The identification of problem sites, routes and user groups is undertaken through an anlaysis of 3 years casualty data. This is completed annually. Monitoring of the performance of counter-measures introduced is accomplished through this data analysis. This process involves members of our team, staff from the local highway authority and Humberside Police.
We will bring this level of focus and commitment to all of our road safety contracts.



Your knowledge

We are aware of the casualty issues in the UK and in our local area, where there were 242 KSIs in 2008. The UK's performance in reducing injuries, especially KSI, over the last decade has been impressive but there is a need for valid data comparison across EU states to correctly assess progress.
We would welcome support and expertise is establishing valid data comparisons in order to assist us in our work.

Eventual partnerships in your commitment

Wherever we are commissioned to contribute to road safety/casualty reduction projects we will work in partnership with our clients and stakeholders.
In our local area we will continue to work in partnership with East Riding of Yorkshire Council, Hull City Council, Humberside Police, local stakeholders and the travelling public.

Notified for renewal?