Humberside Fire & Rescue Service

Member since: January 2022
Submitted by No name or org… (not verified) on

What are you doing/aiming to do for road safety?

As a result of our extensive commitment to road safety we have seen significant reductions in road deaths and injuries; however we are committed to further developing our activities within this area to make the roads of Humberside safer.
Humberside Fire & Rescue Service (HFRS) are proactively working in partnership with Safer Roads Humber whose key objectives are to reduce those killed or seriously injured (KSI) on our roads. This is achieved through enforcement, engineering and education. A mixed programme of both national and local road safety themed campaigns will be employed and delivered throughout the year. This includes themes as speed, seat belts, drink driving and mobile phones.   
HFRS are committed to driving down road collisions and employs four people, one in each local authority area as a dedicated road safety advocate. Their key objective is to reduce the number of KSI as a result of road traffic collisions (RTC). The focus of their work being educational programmes in particular aimed at young people aged 17-25 years old.
An example of a programme involving the road safety advocates is (Road (S) Kills) which is an initiative aimed at learner drivers. This programme involves partnership working with local driving schools and their pupils whilst they are learning to drive.
Funding has been sought and approved for an 'interactive car', which will have the capability of providing people with an opportunity to virtually experience a road traffic collision and the consequences of driving irresponsibly.
Ten Educational Liaison Officers also deliver an educational package to Key Stage (KS) 1 (5-7 year olds), KS2 (7-11 year olds) & KS3 (11 -14 year olds) in the Humberside area. They visit 395 schools in the local authority area and engage with all students whilst delivering a comprehensive road safety message.



Your knowledge


Eventual partnerships in your commitment

As previously explained in our commitment statement HFRS is actively working with partner agencies and local authorities to make Humbersides roads safer. The key to achieving the main goals is a strong partnership which delivers equally across the four local authorities through 'Safer Roads Humber'.

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