Eksantas Driving School

What are you doing/aiming to do for road safety?

The Eksantas Driving School commits to the European Road Safety Charter for the next three years with the following proactive actions:
Talks in the form of speeches will be given to schools and educational institutions in Crete. These speeches will take place in collaboration with the local municipality and the aim will be to educate children and students and make them more sensitive on road safety issues. Short movies will also be shown in these events. The speeches will not only be focused on behaviour in the car but also behaviour as a pedestrian.
We will distribute leaflets to our customers informing them about the most important causes of road related incidents and guidelines to prevent them. The leaflets will be made available in our premises and will be given to every customer.
We will provide a free practical demonstration of how to drive correctly by respecting all the rules and regulations on the road. This option will be made available to potential customers and will involve driving in specific circuits which are formed to accommodate trainings. The demonstrations will be open to attendance for the general public.

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