Crotone City Council

Member since: January 2022
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What are you doing/aiming to do for road safety?

The Crotone City Council, in collaboration with the Centro di Monitoraggio della sicurezza stradale (Road Safety Observatory) of the Province of Crotone, commits to support the European Road Safety Charter by implementing, within a three-year plan, a series of initiatives particularly focusing on the education of the new generation so that it assimilates at a young age correct mutual behaviour in road traffic situations while acquiring a sense of civic responsibility. 1) Educational-training lessons on road safety given in 50 hours of class per year, addressing approximately 150 students at two lower middle schools. 2) Publication and exhibition of approximately 300 posters in downtown areas three times per year. The awareness-raising campaign will target approximately 50,000 people. 3) Improvement of infrastructure by renewing road signs and markings to improve the state of the roads. 4) Posting awareness-raising messages on the municipal website.

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