Centro Studi Europeo Sicurezza Stradale onlus

Member since: October 2012
Submitted by Centro Studi … on

What are you doing/aiming to do for road safety?

Over the next few years we will be carrying out the following tasks:
- In collaboration with local and national institutions, we will try to set up as many free events, conferences and seminars as possible throughout Italy (5-7 per year), mainly based on a few key issues to which, in our view, particular attention needs to be paid: - driving while intoxicated - the highway code - education for a culture of road safety - the road transport industry and safety systems
Our association includes technical experts (driving instructors, road safety experts, accident prevention consultants, academics, etc.) who will each play an active role in their area of professional competence and all on a voluntary basis.



Eventual partnerships in your commitment

Sindaci;Componenti istituzionali; Cittadini; Docenti universitari; Forze di polizia; Organizzazioni di volontariato;

Number of materials produced


Notified for renewal?