Bergische Universität Wuppertal - Civil Engineering Section

Member since: January 2022
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What are you doing/aiming to do for road safety?

The subject and research area of road traffic planning and road traffic technology is concerned with the topic of traffic safety in research as well as in teaching.
In this way, prospective civil engineers and traffic science engineers are brought closer to the importance of traffic safety when planning streets, and an awareness of the traffic safety issue is established. On the one hand, they learn methods for the enhancement of traffic safety and on the other they are familiarised with the examination of road traffic accidents.
Thus, the main focus lies on the identification of accident focus points and the development of approaches that might lead to improvements in the area.
Apart from this, the subject and research area also offers affiliates from engineering firms and the government regular qualification procedures for the audit of city centre streets and main through-roads. Safety audits are formalised procedures that assess safety issues with regards to the planning, design and construction of streets. Auditors carry out these safety assessments on the basis of experience and knowledge of traffic safety. To this end, they need the basic qualification acquired during the training procedures as well as a relevant additional professional qualification based on further know-how. This additional qualification is also acquired in the qualification procedure.
In an international context, and in congresses as well as seminars, results from our safety research are made public and discussed. Within the cooperation framework of the PIARC World Road Association and the EU-COST Project, new developments within the traffic safety improvement area are expanded on and analysed.
The subject and research area would like to be able to contribute to an improvement of road traffic safety awareness. The broadness of the research project as such reflects the breadth of the road safety topic. We want to focus attention on certain groups of individuals (children, weaker traffic participants).
Within the scope of the research work being carried out, the subject and research area is involved with the following traffic safety issues:
-       Child mobility and accidents involving children
-       Creation of intersections for weaker traffic participants
-       Development, dissemination and use of ‘way-to-school’ plans
-       Track cross-sections in building bottlenecks near main through-roads
-       Safety in local public transport during major events
-       Scientific monitoring of the model project “Simply City”

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