Belgian Road Research Centre (BRRC)

Member since: January 2022
Submitted by No name or org… (not verified) on

What are you doing/aiming to do for road safety?

The CRR undertakes to conduct several activities that seek to contribute to improving the level of Belgian road infrastructure safety, mainly through the following:
- Road safety diagnostic methods
- Specially adapted infrastructure and developments for vulnerable users
- Road developments to improve road safety
- Vertical and horizontal signposting
- Speed limitation mechanisms
- Passive safety
- Improve road readability
- Superficial road surfacing features
- Contribution of intelligent transport systems
- Safety at road works
There will be two main types of action carried out:
1. Dissemination and communication to Belgian road sector professionals of the results of studies and research carried out at the centre or by its European partners.
Methods: training, information.
- Publication of articles in the CRR quarterly bulletin and other specialist journals.
- Specific CRR publications: publication of summaries, codes of good practice, and electronic publications on the website.
- Organisation of or contribution to research days and training sessions.
Indicators: number of articles, number of publications, number of research days (organisation and participation) related to the aforementioned topics.
We will organise (or actively contribute) to research days and we will issue a number of publications; we will carry out approximately four of these actions per year.
2. Technical assistance (upon demand) for managers, entrepreneurs and research bureaux.
Methods: expert advice.
- Technical and documentary assistance.
- List of standards (road material and equipment).
- National technical working groups.
Indicators: number of technical assistance dossiers, number of documentary assistance dossiers and consultation of the website featuring the list of standards related to the aforementioned topics.
We will provide technical assistance approximately 20 times per year.
With these actions, we will target approximately 2,000 people (CRR members and subscribers) working for regional road authorities, local authorities, companies, research bureaux, etc.

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