ALOT s.c.a.r.l. - Agency of East Lombardy for Transport and Logistics

What are you doing/aiming to do for road safety?

We will signe the European Road Safety Charter with a Pilot activity that will be carried out in two Provinces. In the Province of Brescia a campaign will integrate road safety inspections of bus stops with awareness raising of dangerous situations involving different road users in proximity of dedicated bus stops.
Activities include: 1) Analysis of the Public Transport System in the Province of Brescia with a focus on the framework of the lines, on the main stops and on the customer care activities involving public transport companies; 2) A survey targeted to students (high-school and university) to better understand their perceptions in terms of safety. 3) A survey involving bus drivers to investigate work related road safety issues. 4) Drawing-up a list of the most common bus accidents scenarios (analysing bibliographical and statistical data and what emerged from the surveys). 5) Identification of two lines and propose possible remedial measures for improving traffic safety.
In the Province of Mantua the pilot will focus on improvement of truck drivers’ behaviour and to enhance road safety by preventing dangerous situations involving trucks.
Activities include: 1) Analysis of the truck mobility system with the involvement of the local trucking companies association. 2) A survey will be conducted involving truck drivers to investigate work related road safety issues and to highlight the main stress factors for the drivers (such as fatigue, sleepiness and respect of traffic rules). 3) Drawing-up a list of the most common truck accidents scenarios (analysing bibliographical and statistical data and what emerged from the survey). 4) An awareness raising campaign to present the results of the pilot.
These activities will be performed between March 2011 and October 2012. A dedicated follow up process will continue the awareness raising of pilot’s results until December 2014.

Eventual partnerships in your commitment

ALOT’s commitment is shared by its partner organisations: Province of Brescia, Province of Mantua, Department of civil, architecture, land and environmental engineering of the University of Brescia, FAI – Federazione Autotrasportatori Italiana (local branch)

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