Agrupamento Vertical de Escolas Dr. Flavio Gonçalves

What are you doing/aiming to do for road safety?

Our objective is to raise awareness among our pupils as pedestrians, teaching them to cross roads on foot and by bike, and to recognise and respect the different road signs. In order to do so, we undertake to carry out the following actions over the coming year:
1) Games to raise pupil awareness about the Highway Code, particularly those rules referring to pedestrians and cyclists. We estimate that 50 to 75 pupils will take part in this one-day event.
2) A teaching day at the Braga road accident prevention centre for pupils as pedestrians and cyclists, to ensure fewer accidents. We plan to hold approximately 20 teaching days per year to reach a total of 300 to 500 young people.
Start: 1/10/2008            End: 30/06/2009
Partners: police stations, public transport authorities, driving schools, Braga road accident prevention centre.
3) Effective training on a non-profit basis on the causes of accidents. The half-day workshop will involve a minimum of 50 pupils.
Depending on the outcome, our actions will be continued over the following two years.

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